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Media Language Essay

Horror films use established signs and codes in their conventions to signify a deeper meaning. For example written codes such as the masthead would connote the genre of the movie or product. In my horror trailer the weapons and stock characters, which are both parts of the mise-en-scene that comes under symbolic codes. Theorist Roland Barthes makes a distinction between Denotatin and Connotation, which allow people to introduce the content and then also go into detail.

Symbolic codes help with the subtext of the trailer. As they are a form of NVC. for example in Insidious: The Last Key, the antagonists finger tips are keys, this is also used as a weapon. The use of the keys signifies secrecy or confinement. In our A2 media trailer the antagonist weapon, which are claws, have anphallic symbolism. This connotes the masculine power men have, also showing that men are the dominating sex.

Technical codes such as the camera work allow the viewers to have a visual understanding of the trailer. For example a close up shot creates a connection between the audience and character. Insidious: the last key, there is a close up with the antagonist with a frightened facial expression. This would make the audience feel sympathy towards her. In my trailer there is a POV shot of the antagonist weapon with blood dripping from it. This allowed the audience to see from the antagonist perspective, which may allow the, to gain a sort of relationship with the antagonist.

Audio Codes are a vital part of a trailer, as it is the audio that creates the atmosphere. It is also through the use of audio that the audience is able to anticipate the future events in the trailer. Insidious: the last key, denotes a piercing through the skin sound, which would create visceral pleasure for the audience. My product the wickleshick denotes a heaving breathing and growling sound, which connotes the presence of the antagonist.

Written codes are all part of the NVC, as the font type and colour on the poster/ magazine cover, and also in the trailer instantly give away the purpose or genre of the product. It also helps with the subtext as the viewer would have preconceptions about the product. In Insidious: the last key. The colour of the Masthead is Red and white. The colour red signifies danger, anger, death or blood. And the white may indicate purity and innocence. Also the third I used is a key, which connotes secrecy. Our Masthead is dark red, which connotes blood, or danger.


  1. "For example written codes such as the masthead would connote the genre of the movie or product. In my horror trailer the weapons and stock characters, which are both parts of the mise-en-scene that comes under symbolic codes. Theorist Roland Barthes makes a distinction between Denotatin a"
    Unnecessary to give examples here in the Intro
    WHAT is the link between Media Language & Genre expectations?
    WHAT are the 4 codes you will discuss?

    "Symbolic codes help with the subtext of the trailer. "
    WHAT are symbolic codes - How do they relate to MES?

    "In our A2 media trailer the antagonist weapon, which are claws, have anphallic symbolism. "
    Careful spelling!
    WHAT do you mean by Phallic?
    Describe the Claws and WHY they are suitable to the Monster

    "For example a close up shot creates a connection between the audience and character. Insidious: the last key, there is a close up with the antagonist with a frightened facial expression. This would make the audience feel sympathy towards her. In my trailer there is a POV shot of the antagonist weapon with blood dripping from it. This allowed the audience to see from the antagonist perspective, which may allow the, to gain a sort of relationship with the antagonist."
    NO - this is not creating Meaning, this is just the PURPOSE of a Close Up - the meaning here ion your analysis comes from the MES in the shot, so this is not a suitable examples.
    Refer to your 'Camera Techniques' video where your group analyse the Meaning of Shots and Angles in a Horror

    "My product the wickleshick denotes a heaving breathing and growling sound, which connotes the presence of the antagonist."
    Grammar - capital letters?
    But WHAT does this MEAN or Connote about your Monster - WHY are they growling - WHAT are you trying to say? SUBTEXT?

    HOW successfully does your use of Media language make the Genre recognisable?
    Is here any clear deeper meaning or are you just following conventions?


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